Friday, June 10, 2005

Home Loan Refinancing Rates Keep Dropping.

Home loan refinancing at lowest cost available now as rates have dropped.
The Fed chairman says The economy is on "reasonably firm footing" and isn't fanning worrisome inflation. Rates on 30-year mortgages fell again this week, dropping to the lowest point since the spring of 2004, according to a nationwide survey.

Still there is concern of the potential housing bubble and the economic fallout from spurting oil prices. The White House is predicting a slightly less optimistic forecast for the country's economic growth but sees an increase in new jobs.

Rates on 30-year mortgages have hit their lowest level in four months after falling for the eighth time in the past nine weeks. Low interest rates and rising incomes have made houses more affordable than they were 10 years ago. This downward trend that has helped push sales of both new and existing homes to record levels. For more home refinancing news go to

Home refinancing over the past four years have saved consumers tens of thousands of dollars in home loan costs. Home refinancing may account for the increase in major spending in the auto industry, stock investments and improved education funding in the household. Finding the right refinance deal has improved dramatically over the past five years with the help of the Internet. Now refinance deal shoppers need only look at their screens to find out who offers the best rates. Cost comparison online has become the norm for web savvy shoppers. Why not home loan refinance shoppers?

Those looking for a great rate have not been disappointed. Rates have plunged for the past eight straight weeks and it doesn't look to be rising any time soon. That said consumers realizing great savings when lowering mortgage payments.